Interior Designer Magazine

Urbanised nature

84061.23605 Finsa main
Spanish wood based panels producer Finsa showcased their Trendbook 2015-2016, designed in collaboration with London-based design consultants Global Colour Research, at the Surface Design Show. The Trendbook comprises four carefully identified key trends, which serve as guidelines for Finsa’s new decorative range. The themes include; Embrace, a celebration of texture, a way to escape from the digital buzz; Nurture, encouraging the exploration of nature, drawing us away from our increasingly urbanised lifestyle; Pioneer, shaping our future landscape and blurs the lines between physical and digital experiences, and finally, Construct, focusing on interiors, decoration and the use of materials, which are designed to stand the test of time. Visitors to the show were also taken through a dark tunnel built in the Finsa stand where they could interact with four sensorial installations, each experience reflecting a different trend.


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