Interior Designer Magazine

Heimtextil 2024 | 9-12 January 2024

Wow your senses with textile designs at Heimtextil 2024

Heimtextil is an internationally unique platform and trade fair for home and contract textiles with the next in-person event running from 9-12 January 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

Heimtextil 2024 will present a global range of product innovations in the textile interior design sector. As the leading global trade fair, it also maps market changes with its focus theme ‘Interior.Architecture.Hospitality’, the range of products for interior designers and hospitality experts, and on the mega-trends of sustainability and healthy sleep. Heimtextil is the industry meeting place for retailers, wholesalers, designers, furniture and bedding stores, interior decorators, interior architects, architects, hotel outfitters and many other decision makers.

At the event you will find an array of exhibitions and products from decorative and furniture fabrics to textiles for the bedroom, bathroom and table, wallpaper and sun protection systems. In addition to renowned brands and well-known exhibitors, you can discover plenty of exciting new start-ups and promising newcomers. Heimtextil Trends provide you with a globally unique trend forecast and an insight into the popular design topics. 

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