Interior Designer Magazine

Campaign for Wool awarded charity stand at Decorex in October

Solidwool Herdwick Wool Hembury Chair

Campaign for Wool will once again celebrate Wool Month throughout the month of October, coinciding with an appearance at interiors event Decorex.

With a growing roster of over 600 supporters from a wide and diverse range of sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, fashion, interiors, and construction, the Campaign’s strap line for this year’s activity calls for consumers to ‘Check it’s Wool’.

Bronte by Abraham Moon and Sons

As concern escalates regarding climate change and the proliferation of synthetic materials, the Campaign aims to galvanize ‘People Power’ with a clear call to action for consumers to make positive conscious fibre choices when choosing the products they want to buy. The Campaign believes that collectively we can all make a difference. This will help to further amplify the visibility of wool as a truly sustainable option and send a strong signal to specifiers, designers, buyers, legislators, and policymakers both here in the UK and further afield.

Credit @CampaignForWool

A series of month-long events will take place all across the UK in a bid to underscore the critical importance of wool as a natural, renewable, and biodegradable resource. The campaign has also been awarded a charity stand at Decorex in October (Stand A35), which will bring together a selection of beautiful natural wool products from the very best of their supporter base.

Check out for further information.

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